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Παρασκευή 1 Μαΐου 2020

Καμία σχέση ("Ιδιότητα Μέλους")!

Ιδού το άρθρο 5 του καταστατικού της UEFA:

Article 5
Members 1
Membership of UEFA is open to national football associations situated in the continent of Europe, based in a country which is recognised as an independent state by the majority of members of the United Nations, and which are responsible for the organisation and implementation of football-related matters in the territory of their country.
Exceptions 2
In exceptional circumstances, a national football association
that is situated in another continent may be admitted to membership, provided that it is not a member of the Confederation of that continent, or of any other Confederation, and that FIFA approves its membership of UEFA".

Κι όμως, για να τα λέει αυτά κάποιοι τον πληρώνουν αδρά.